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What's Happening at Brand: The Week of October 6, 2024!

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Preserving Their Legacy in the Bonanza Brand Fanfiction Library

Michael Landon Birthday Week October 25-31   COMING SOON


Join us in the VCLS Writing Challenges 
Try your hand at Writing a Pinecone or a Double Drabble

Movie Posters ~ Dialogue ~ Commercials
Olympic Venue ~ Olympic Games ~ Caption This
Set, Wardrobe, Props, and Oops!

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Pernell-A-Thon -- Message re PanCan donation, Future Events, and a new FB page


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From Ginger Cook:


First of all, thank you SO much for your support and attendance at our first ever Online Pernell A Thon.  I hope you were able to watch some of the programs as well as got to participate in chatting with fellow Pernell fans at some point during the event.
Thanks to all of you and your generosity we were able to donate $650 to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.  I have made the event's donation directly to the PanCan site, but if you would like to contribute more - please donate directly to:
For those who would like to donate in order to have access to the Pernell-A-Thon Weekend Event's Programming - please email me and let me know so that I can provide access to the Pernell A Thon MEMBERS ONLY Post Event Schedule.
For those of you that have already made a donation through your Event Ticket Purchase - here is the information for access to the Post Event page.
MEMBER ONLY - If you are not able to access the page and you are already a Member of the Site please let me know and I will make the necessary adjustments.  If you need to be added as New Member please use the same email address you purchased your Event Ticket with.
I am deeply grateful to Jean Hibben, Betty Thaldorf and Conny Zoller for all their assistance with assembling this program and for their amazing input.  I was able to deepen some new friendships and strengthen some old ones.  
It was truly a great weekend to remember a fantastic man and actor and I appreciate everyone's support, generosity and participation.
As a residual project - me, Betty and Conny have created a Private Facebook Group for showcasing Trapper John MD episodes.  I am combining the cleaner uncut German versions of the show with the English audio from the YouTube versions in order to create a cleaner, closer to uncut version of the show.  The plan is to showcase Screen caps from the featured ep during the week and then 'premiere' the edited version on Sunday every week - we are going to post them in chronological order.
If you'd like to join this group the link is:
Anyway, thanks to everyone for being part of another successful event.  We have plans to do a similar event for Michael Landon at the end of October so if you have friends who might be interested, please spread the word.
HUGE HUGS to you all.  Stay healthy, be kind and I look forward to the next Event.
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